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The Music Centre warmly welcomes new members.

If you think you or your family would like to join LCMC, please come along to the Music Centre any Saturday when it is open and take part in any of the activities on offer.  There are groups to suit a wide range of musical tastes and abilities and you can sample them without having to give any commitment.  So that we can make you feel welcome, please email if you'd like to come along.  We can be found at Dallas Road Community Primary School,
High St, Lancaster LA1 1LD.

For more information about fees and membership, please read the documents below.

More general information can be found here.

Please us the form below to set up your standing order once you have registered with the Centre.

If you decide to join the Music Centre, there is a very simple registration process to be completed.
This can be brought into the Centre or emailed to

Lancaster Community Music Trust: Company No. 2944161 registered in England as a company limited by guarantee. Registered Charity No. 1062049.

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